What Students Said

All of these comments are from the Spring 2018 edition of G144.  Students left these representative comments in my course evaluations.  They are presented unedited, and without any judgement or comments on my part:

The positive comments:

  • "He motivated us to do our best work and made class a ton of fun."
  • "He teaches in a fun and involving way, so it's easy to pay attention."
  • "I liked his energy and how interesting he kept the class."
  • "I loved our willing our instructor is to help me."
  • "Lots of cool videos."

A little bit less positive:

  • "His exams are hard, he expects a lot out of his students."
  • "Each class was so important and so beneficial to success in the class that I wish he took attendance."
  • "The quizzes every week tampered with my grade quite a bit."

I love this one!  Great summary of class.

  • "Please, please attend class! You will roll your eyes and think that YOU don't have to go because you're special, but you're not (sorry).  If you want to do well in this course, you will attend class, you will attend notes [sic], and you will participate."


Page updated on July 19th, 2018

Past Course Evaluations

If you're a student at IU, you have access to my recent course evaluations through the OCQ Student Dashboard. Check them out!

"What Past Students Said"

Here is a snippet of my written evaluations from one of the recent times I taught E144.
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