A437 Synoptic Meteorology


Dates and Times - Spring 2024

To be determined, somewhere in the Geology Building


In the past I have used "Weather Maps," 3rd Edition, by Peter Chaston, but the book is hopelessly out of print.  I have several copies -- if I have enough for everyone, I will loan them out to you (small deposit may be requested!).  If I don't have enough, we'll figure it out on the first day.

Some Early Reading Recommendations

The old reading recommendations, from when I expected everyone to have a copy of Chaston's book, are these: recommended reading for the first three weeks.  I hope that most of it will feel like a review to you.

I will update this section when I find some similar content online for you.

Expected Assessment

  • Homeworks, "Labs," Map Assignments, etc.: 45%
  • Weather Briefings (2, beginning after spring break): 10%
  • Weekly weather forecasts: 10%
  • Midterm Exam, last class before Spring Break: 15%
  • Final Exam, time and date from the official IU schedule: 20%

Expected Topics

For now, here is a tentative list of our course topics to whet your appetite:


Last Updated on August 1st, 2023