EAS-A 339: Weather Analysis & Forecasting


Introduction to the Course

How are weather maps created?  How do we interpret the data on these complex maps?  What knowledge of past weather events do we need to use as a guide in forecasting?  Why and how are conditions miles above the Earth's surface related to the "sensible weather" that we experience daily?  These questions and more, answered in A339.

Please note: this website is not updated much once the semester begins.  Our course materials are available through the Canvas site, to make things easier on everyone.

General Details - Fall 2024

Class meetings: MWF, 10:20 to 11:10, Geology Building 2033

Instructor: Dr. Cody Kirkpatrick (a339@iuearth.com)

Office hours: check Canvas

Next offering: Fall 2025, will be MWF mornings


Any one of these: EAS-E 122, GEOG-G 109, GEOG-G 107, or EAS-E 144.  It's important that you've had a first course related to the atmosphere/climate system.  If you do not meet this requirement, please come see me before committing to the course.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the semester, students who actively participate in the course should be able to:

  • Analyze current weather maps (upper air and surface)
  • Identify the major synoptic-scale features on those maps
  • Describe conceptual models of certain atmospheric phenomena
  • Use satellite data to help confirm the current local weather at a place
  • Apply conceptual models to describe the “sensible weather” that is occurring
  • Infer the likely weather at a place by using the Skew-T diagram
  • Place a Skew-T into its proper synoptic context, and be able to explain why
  • Diagnose winter and severe weather environments using all the tools we've developed in the course

What to Buy

There will be no book to buy.

But you'll definitely want a set of erasable colored pencils.  No need for more than a 12-pack, any brand.


(Subject to change - always check the syllabus for the official breakdown)

  • 40%    Customary homeworks and in-class quizzes/activities
  • 10%    Team map/case analysis and presentation
  • 15%    Warmup questions and quizzes (Canvas-based or in-person)
  • 20%    Two in-class, hour exams, weighted equally
  • 15%    Comprehensive final exam (IU-mandated final exam schedule)

Enrolled in GEOG-G 339?

You're in the same course.  Some students take it for EAS credit, some for GEOG credit.  Everyone is in the same room, doing the same work.

Last Updated on  December 10th, 2024